2020成都海选 (2020成都中考英语试卷及答案解析)

成都耍耍 06-09 阅读:78 评论:0


  1. 根据所给单词的字母写出完整的单词。

    • g_________t
    • d_________r
    • sh_________p
    • b_________y
    • e_________phant
    • great
    • 2020成都海选 (2020成都中考英语试卷及答案解析)
    • dog
    • sheep
    • boy
    • elephant
  2. 单选题

    • Which of the following is NOT a fruit?
      • (A) Apple
      • (B) Banana
      • (C) Carrot
      • (D) Orange
    • What is the capital of China?
      • (A) Shanghai
      • (B) Beijing
      • (C) Guangzhou
      • (D) Hong Kong
    • Which of the following is a mammal?
      • (A) Turtle
      • (B) Fish
      • (C) Dolphin
      • (D) Bird
  3. 简答题

    • 写出三个你喜欢的动物。
    • 写出你喜欢的食物。
    • 写出你喜欢的颜色。
  4. 完形填空

    I have a cat. __________ name is Lily. She is very cute. She has __________ white fur and __________ blue eyes. I like to play with her __________ she is always happy.

    • What is the cat's name?
      • (A) Lily
      • (B) Kitty
      • (C) Lucky
      • (D) Tom
    • What color is the cat's fur?
      • (A) White
      • (B) Black
      • (C) Brown
      • (D) Gray
    • What color are the cat's eyes?
      • (A) Blue
      • (B) Green
      • (C) Yellow
      • (D) Brown
    • When does the cat like to play?
      • (A) When she is hungry
      • (B) When she is tired
      • (C) When she is happy
      • (D) When she is sad
  5. 阅读理解

    My name is Lucy. I am 12 years old. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is 8 years old. We live in a small town. Our house is near a river. I like to play with my sister in the river. We often go swimming and fishing. Sometimes we go boating. We also like to play in the woods. We often go hiking and camping. We live a happy life.

    • How old is Lucy?
      • (A) 8
      • (B) 12
      • (C) 16
      • (D) 20
    • Where do Lucy and her sister live?
      • (A) In a big city
      • (B) In a small town
      • (C) In a village
      • (D) On a farm
    • What do Lucy and her sister like to do in the river?
      • (A) Play games
      • (B) Swim and fish
      • (C) Read books
      • (D) Sleep
    • What do Lucy and her sister like to do in the woods?
      • (A) Play hide-and-seek
      • (B) Hike and camp
      • (C) Pick flowers
      • (D) Watch TV
